
You want :

  • Carry out experiments in real tissue conditions,
  • Use the services of the platform engineer to carry out a study in hypoxia,
  • To be advised in the design of an experiment in hypoxia.


While more than 99% of labs grow cells in a gaseous atmosphere of ~21% O2, O2 concentrations within body tissues are much lower (Figure 1). Oxygen is fundamental in cellular physiology and the mechanisms by which cells adapt to oxygen levels have been highlighted thanks to the work of the three winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Figure 1: Partial pressure of O2 in tissues (Mas-Bargues, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019)

The CellOxia platform offers public and private laboratories equipment (XVivo Biosphérix) for carrying out experiments and/or incubating cells under controlled atmospheric conditions (from 0.1 to 10% O2; from 0 to 15% CO2; 37°C). It is possible to reproduce in vitro physiological or physiopathological parameters existing within a tissue. Thanks to its “Paula” (Leica) imager, users will be able to observe their crops without any disruption of atmospheric conditions.

CellOxia services

The CellOxia platform offers you access to equipment and competent personnel that will allow you to carry out experiments in hypoxia.

Access to equipment after prior training

Tips for designing hypoxia experiments

Customized service by the engineer for the realization of your studies in hypoxia.


1 – XVivo model X1 (Biospherix)

  • 3 independent incubators with controlled atmosphere (O2, CO2, temperature)
  • 1 workspace with controlled atmosphere (O2, CO2, temperature)
  • 1 transfer chamber

2 – Equipment of the P2 culture laboratory

  • 1 PSM2 (120 cm)
  • 1 normoxic incubator
  • 1 centrifuge
  • Consumables, etc.

3 – PAULA smart cell imaging system (Leica)

  • Lens x10 with digital zoom (x3)
  • 2 fluorescent LEDs (red & green)
  • “Time-Lapse”, healing test, transfection efficiency, etc…


Scientific officer

Jean-max Pasquet

Technical manager

Arnaud Villacreces


UAR TBMCore 3427 – US005
Bâtiment BBS – 4ème étage – Bureau N.4032
Univ. de Bordeaux (Carreire)
2 rue du Docteur Hoffmann Martinot
33000 Bordeaux


Planning and booking:

The platform is freely accessible according to its availability for trained and autonomous users.
For other users, technical assistance is available by appointment. In any case, the devices must be reserved at least 72 hours in advance.

User Charter :

Any user of the platform must have read and signed the user charter to access the service.

Our team