Thank a platform
Manuscripts involving materials, preparatory work, data, or results from the TBMCore UAR 3427 platforms should be sent to relevant individuals at least one week prior to submission. Please inform the platform staff when these manuscripts are accepted for publication (DOI/PMID), so that the platform can follow the list of works carried out with its help.
Exchanges between platform staff and research staff are essential to the success of each project. Excluding any other condition imposed by the platform, when the participation of its staff has been significant (for example if their involvement goes beyond initial training or normal/minimal routine support), please thank the staff by name. Depending on the activity of the platform, this can, for example, be defined by the platform staff time required for the project. On the other hand, if his contribution has been decisive or provides particularly important insight (by designing the experiments, implementing a protocol or an original approach, preparing, producing or analyzing data), co-signature should be considered. The platform personnel are scientists. Their contribution should be appreciated like that of any other co-author. The formal recognition of their contribution allows them to progress in their career and strengthens the platform indirectly.
The acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment and the presence of expert personnel require significant funding. Consequently, the interest and usefulness of the platforms must be recognized. Publications are (for them too) an important indicator. Your thanks are used by the financing structures to decide on the interest of financing the human and material development of the platforms. The grants received allow the platforms to continue to provide their services as best as possible and to keep their academic fees as low as possible.
In all cases (and in particular if the staff of the platform is a co-author), in the acknowledgments and/or in the Materials and Methods section, the technical contribution of a platform must be underlined and clearly mentioned with a in the following (or similar) ways: “[experiments] were performed at the [facility name] Facility”/”[analysis] for this project was done on instruments in the [facility name] Facility”.
Where applicable, personnel directly involved, when they are not co-authors, may be named. For example: “The authors thank [staff name] for the help with [manuscript preparation, sample preparation, data acquisition, data interpretation, analytical method development, helpful discussions, technical advice, etc..].”
In all cases (and in particular if the staff of the platform is a co-author), in the acknowledgments and/or in the Materials and Methods section, the technical contribution of a platform must be underlined and clearly mentioned with a in the following (or similar) ways: “[experiments] were performed at the [facility name] Facility”/”[analysis] for this project was done on instruments in the [facility name] Facility”.
Where applicable, personnel directly involved, when they are not co-authors, may be named. For example: “The authors thank [staff name] for the help with [manuscript preparation, sample preparation, data acquisition, data interpretation, analytical method development, helpful discussions, technical advice, etc..].”
Finally, the following sentences concerning specific financing should be added for certain equipment. If you would like to know the list of equipment concerned, please contact the platform staff. Alternatively, add in the acknowledgments section:
PIBBS: for NMR, ME, crystallography & AFM platforms: “PIBBS is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR-10-INBS-05 FRISBI)”, for experiments on the MARS platform “This facility is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR-10-INBS-04 FBI)”IPAM: for any experiment involving the fluorescence platform: “This facility is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR-10-INBS-04 FBI)”