
Gene expression analysis
  • Quantify, qualify nucleic acids
  • Perform high-throughput real-time quantitative PCR
  • Automate the preparation of quantitative PCR plates
  • Prepare “Single cell” libraries for NGS sequencing

OneCell Services

Advice, training and custom service

Advice for the extraction of
nucleic acids

Quantification and qualification of nucleic acids

Quantitative real-time PCR 96 and 384 wells

Automated preparation of PCR plates

Results analysis
ΔΔCq, Standard Curve, Melte Curve

Preparation of “Single cell” libraries intended
to sequencing

Support for NGS sequencing and bioinformatics analyzes

About Onecell

ONECELL provides state-of-the-art equipment and guides users in their studies of gene expression. ONECELL allows the extraction of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from tissues (Tissue Lyser Qiagen), their qualification and quantification (QuBit, Bioanalyse Tape Station Agilent), and their large-scale amplification by Real-time high-throughput PCR (Robot EpMotion 5073 Eppendorf, CFX 96 and 384 well BioRad, BioRad deepwell), as well as the generation of libraries for single-cell multiomics analyzes (Chromium Controller 10X Genomics). ONECELL guides the users for the experimental implementation, the use of the devices and the analysis of the PCR results, and ensures the quality control of the nucleic acids and the “Single Cell” libraries generated upstream of the sequencing. ONECELL also provides a custom service ranging from RNA and DNA qualification to PCR and analysis of results.


  • Tissue Lyser Qiagen
  • mDrop Denovix
  • QuBit
  • Bioanalyser Tape Station 2200 Agilent
  • Robot EpMotion 5073 Eppendorf
  • CFX 96 and 384 well Bio-Rad
  • CFX 96 Deep Well Bio-Rad
  • Chromium Controller 10X Genomics

Chromium Controller 10X Genomics

Single-cell gene expression


Source : 10x Genomics

The Gem Generation

Microfluidics is a technology that manipulates fluids in microchannels. Thus, we can isolate each cell in a micro-droplet of oil containing reagents (polymerase, oligonucleotide, retrotranscriptase, etc.) and a particular bead allowing specific encoding of each transcript called GEM (Gel bead in EMulsion).

10X barcode = 1 cell

Source : 10x Genomics

Source: Dolomite Microfluidics

Source : 10x Genomics

Visium Spatial 10X Genomics

Source : 10x Genomics

example of building libraries

Chromium Single Cell 3' Gene Expression Dual Index Library

Chromium Single Cell 3' Cell Surface Protein Dual Index Library


Technical manager

Access to the building and the cytometry platform is secured by a digicode. Ask the manager for the codes on your first visit.


Real-time quantitative PCR platform
UMS 3427 / US 005 Laboratory
Bat 1B 2nd floor
Carreire Zone Nord
University of Bordeaux
146, rue Léo Saignat
33076 BORDEAUX Cedex

Our team